What we do?
We specialise in the valuation of both watches and jewellery starting from £30.00 however price may vary depending on the request. We usually take two weeks to complete our evaluations to ensure the item is valued as accurately as possible.

A New Experience of Flavour

Sell? Trade? Upgrade?
We also offer a sell, trade or upgrade scheme which allows customers to receive the highest value possible for their luxury watch.
We have three options available;
- We can sell on your behalf on commission.
- We can make you an offer to buy your watch.
- We can trade your watch against one we have in stock.
Frequently asked questions
Q: Why should I get my items valued?
A: There is many different reasons why you should get your items valued including;Insurance valuationProbate valuationPrivate saleDivorce/family division
Q: Why do values vary?
A: Items of jewellery are valued differently for different purposes. You might wonder about the difference between the insurance value of an item and the amount you would get, as a private individual, if you chose to sell the piece.
Insurance valuation
This type of appraisal will show the full retail replacement value, "as new" or "as antique" of your jewellery, VAT inclusive, taking into account the nature, quality and design of the pieces and the sort of shop likely to be able to provide comparable replacements in the event of loss. It is, therefore, a representation of the highest value of your goods.
Probate or confirmation of will
Unlike an insurance valuation which indicates the full retail replacement value, this lower assessment is based on amounts likely to be achieved at auction or by selling your jewellery to the trade. It is determined by the worth of the materials, pre-vailing tastes and the condition and state of wear of the items.
Sale between parties
Such an appraisal is made with due regard to two persons, the buyer and the seller - often they are friends. The prospective buyer is seen as entitled to a "bargain" since he is not being offered the customary guarantees of a reputable jeweller. The seller is seen as reasonably expecting a better price than he would get from selling to the trade because the jewellery will not subsequently be required to produce a profit for the jeweller.